View Clouds
Find the list of the Clouds in your account by clicking Clouds from the Dashboard Navigation Bar at the top of the screen or scroll down to view them. The Clouds list view is what you see normally upon logging into MODX Cloud.
There are two types of Clouds. MODX and Flex Clouds. Read more on Flex Clouds.
Cloud Edit View
The Cloud Edit View gives you access to information and tools for managing an individual Cloud.
To edit, manage or view the details of a Cloud, click on the name of the cloud from the Cloud list, or right-click on the cloud name, and click on Edit Cloud from the context menu.
The following image is what you will see upon arriving at the Cloud Edit View. Details of each section and its purpose follow below.
Cloud Overview Panel
The Cloud Overview Panel at the top of the Cloud Edit page contains the following information:
- Your Cloud Name
- The MODX Revolution version of your Cloud
- Buttons to view the site and the MODX Revolution Manager
Summary Tab
The first tab below the Overview Panel contains Summary information about this Cloud. The Summary Tab is active upon arriving on the Cloud Edit View. The following details the fields and functions of this area.
- Cloud address and Web Address - these URLs are assigned to the Cloud on creation. The Cloud Address will be using for SFTP and SSH access to the Cloud as well as connecting to the database through an SSH tunnel
- View Site URL and View Manager URL - these URLs control where you go when you click on View Site and View Manager in the Overview Panel and the Cloud grid
- Version - the version your MODX Revolution site is currently running
- Location - the location of your Cloud
- IP address - the IP address you should point your custom domains to
- Created on - the date your Cloud has been created
- MySQL - your Cloud's database connection information
- phpMyAdmin - adds phpMyAdmin to your Cloud
- SSH/SFTP - your Cloud's SSH/SFTP connection information
- Groups - list of groups your Cloud's part of
Domains & Config Tab
The second tab contains the domain configuration of your Cloud. Read more about Managing Domains on the Domains & Config tab.
- Live Production Site - toggles between a pre-production/development site and a public facing Live Production Site.
- Domains - list of domains attached to your Cloud and the toggle to enable Cloud Edge CDN/WAF
- Subdomains - list of subdomains attached to the domain attached to your Cloud
Web Server Tab
The third tab contains Web Server configuration.
- Web Rules / Rewrites - this section is for NGINX rules for your Cloud
- SSL - this section allows you to add an SSL certificate to your Cloud
- PHP Version - the PHP version of your Cloud
Upgrades Tab
The fourth tab is the Cloud upgrades such as Backstage, selective staging and Extra PHP Workers.
Backups Tab
The fifth tab lists your Backups. From the Backups tab, you can create a new Backup, filter and search through this Cloud's stored Backups. Read more documentation on Backups.
Snapshots Tab
The sixth tab lists your Snapshots. From the Snapshots tab, you can create a new Snapshot, import a Snapshot, and filter and search through your Snapshots for this Cloud. Read more documentation on Snapshots.
Web Server Tab
Web Rules / Rewrites
This section allows you to add NGINX rules. Read more about NGINX Rules and Rewrites
This section allows you to add a custom certificate or a Let's Encrypt certificate.
PHP Version
Select a PHP version for your Cloud
You can select how long you wish to keep the backups of the Cloud and to manage the Backups. Read more on working with backups
This section allows you to manage your snapshots. Read more on Snapshots: Overview
Cloud Action Bar
This section allows you to quickly manage your Cloud. From this sidebar menu, you can do the following as shown in the image below:
- Upgrade MODX
- Reinstall MODX
- Create a Snapshot of your Site
- Backup the Cloud*
- Send the Cloud to another user in MODX Cloud
- Create a MODX admin User
- Reset PHP Pool*
- Delete Cloud Now*
* These are what is displayed on a Flex Cloud. All will be displayed for MODX Clouds.
Deleting Clouds
In order to delete a Cloud, you have two options.
- You can delete the Cloud from the Cloud grid by clicking on the cog on the right and selecting Delete Cloud Now from the context menu.
- You can also delete the Cloud through the Cloud Edit view by clicking the Delete Cloud Now option, which will provide you with the following pop up.If you wish to save a backup of your Cloud before deleting it, keep the checkbox checked. If you don't wish to save a backup you can uncheck the checkbox. After selecting the option for the automatic backup you can click on the Delete Cloud Now button, which will delete your Cloud and remove it from your billing.