Are you looking to transfer ownership of a Cloud from your account to a client or customer? The MODX Cloud team can reassign a Cloud seamlessly—whether the new owner has an account already or not—with zero downtime or configuration. You do not need to use the Send Cloud feature or transfer files.
Please note: This process doesn't make a copy of the site. Once the process completes, all of the Cloud's Backups and Snapshots are reassigned to the new account.
About the New Owner
The New Owner Has an Account
If the new owner already has a MODX Cloud account, you can provide the support team with the account name and contact info for the new owner. We'll then verify the information and transfer the site.
The New Owner Needs an Account
If the new owner doesn't yet have a MODX Cloud account, we will create and send you a sign-up link that will both handle the signup and transfer of the Cloud ownership. If you haven't discussed plans and pricing with your client or customer, we'd be happy to support that discussion with links and other product information.
Request the Cloud Transfer
To request the transfer of the Cloud, please contact support. Use the Help button within the MODX Cloud dashboard and submit the details of the Cloud that will be transferred and any additional information, as noted above, about the new owner.
If you do want to keep a copy of the site and Backups you may prefer to use the Send Cloud method.